Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Learn?

Knowing your learning style can be very valuable information for lifelong learning. It can make learning a much easier task, if you already know how things will stick in your head. Learning styles is simply different approaches or ways of learning. I took a learning styles test and found that I am a kinesthetic learner. That just means that I learn best through a hands-on approach, and actively exploring the physical world around me. In addition that it may be hard for me to sit and learn for a long time, because I would like to be more practical. I have taking a lot from learning what my learning style is. Now when I need to gain knowledge of something, I know that it would be best if I could take the hands on approach to it. Becoming more interactive with the material to better allow me to retain the information, compared to sitting at a desk listening to a lecture.

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